Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Practice Editing Your Current Event Essay Samples

How to Practice Editing Your Current Event Essay SamplesCurrent event essay samples are some of the most challenging essays in all of composition school. Since they are difficult, the average student spends a lot of time rewriting and redoing these essays. As the essays begin to pile up, a common trend emerges as students worry about how they will finish the assignment without compromising on their high standards.The high standard of these essays is precisely what makes them so difficult; though there are certainly tricks that can be learned, these essays are not easy to rewrite once they are handed in. However, some practice is necessary, especially when it comes to writing about current events.You may have also heard of the 'James' Dictation' that involves speaking into a microphone and copying what the student says to a screen. In my opinion, this is not only very time consuming, but it will prevent you from being able to write effectively if you are not aware of what you are writ ing.The best way to practice is to write down current event essay samples, either using Microsoft Word or another word processing software, on paper. Remember that the computer is not in the same league as a real live person when it comes to keeping track of the conversation, and trying to improvise on your notes. To keep yourself on track, use this method for writing.When I am writing for a class, I always write on the whiteboard first, then jot notes with chalk on the board. If you have the luxury of a teacher who is available and who takes the time to help you with a problem, this is the easiest way to make sure that you do not miss a beat when you are writing for your paper.It is also important to practice editing your current event essay samples, even though they will be your last example and not the first. This is true for all samples, whether they are essay samples of informational articles, or examples from newspaper articles or any other type of essay.Finally, make sure tha t you review the current event essay samples before you hand them in. Don't rewrite and edit until you are finished. Just realize that when it comes to writing, anything you do will be more effective if you leave some time for research.

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